Parenting Education Courses

Do you want to build positive relationships with your children and add to your parenting repertoire? Build upon your existing knowledge and strategies in raising your children to teens, understanding child development, building communication skills and managing behaviours and emotions?

CLW strive to provide parents and carers with a variety of parental education options to complement their existing skills to add to their parenting tool box. Our parenting courses can also be run in collaboration and partnership with external agencies drawing on their expertise to meet the parents’ and care givers’ needs.

Can’t see the program to meet your need, contact us.

Register your interest- call 02 46832776 or email

Triple P Program- Positive Parenting Program

The Triple P Program is an 8-week course presented in 5 face to face sessions and 3 telephone support sessions

Topics Covered:

  • Positive Parenting
  • Helping children develop
  • Managing misbehaviour
  • Planning ahead
  • Using positive parenting strategies

Parents Receive:

  • A workbook to apply the concepts learnt to their families
  • A certificate of completion


Register your interest- call 02 46832776 or email


1-2-3 Magic® & Emotion Coaching

Resolve Difficult behaviour in children 2 to 12 years old… an end to arguing and yelling.

3 x Session course- 2.5 hr each

Parents will learn

  • How to discipline without arguing, yelling or smacking
  • How to sort behaviour
  • How to handle challenging and testing behaviours
  • Choosing strategies – the 3 choices model
  • Using emotion coaching to encourage good behaviour
  • Strategies for encouraging good behaviour

Parents receive:

  • A workbook to apply the concepts learnt to their families
  • A certificate of completion


Register your interest- call 02 46832776 or email


Managing Challenging Behaviours Collaboratively

Workshops for parents with children diagnosed with ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD) or challenging behaviours.

The popular program developed by Dr Steve Walker, Brief Therapy Solutions will be presented over a series of eight consecutive sessions. As each session builds on the previous, all 8 sessions must be attended.  The Workshops are aimed to assist families experiencing the impact of challenging and disruptive behaviours such as suspensions from school and aggression to family members.

8 x weekly sessions- 2hrs each

What you will learn:

  • Child development and the link to seriously challenging behaviours
  • How to look for and identify lost skills in your child
  • Parents as partners in managing behaviour
  • Strategies to reduce outbursts
  • How to make a difference in your child’s challenging behaviour


Register your interest- call 02 46832776 or email


Bringing up Great Kids

A parenting program for building good relationships with children

A minimum of 4 to 6 sessions x 2hrs over consecutive weeks


This evidence backed parenting program combines a reflective mindfulness based approach to parenting with a focus on the emotional and developmental needs of children and the positive relationships between parents/carers and children


The Bringing Up Great Kids program supports parents and carers to explore:

  • Learn more about the origins of their own parenting style and how it can be more effective.
  • Consider the relationship between a child’s stage of neurological development and their behaviour.
  • Identify important messages they want to convey to their child and how to achieve this.
  • Understand the messages that children communicate to their parents and how they do this.
  • Discover how to overcome some of the obstacles that are getting in the way of being the kind of parent they would like to be.
  • Learn about the importance of building self-esteem in children.
  • Discover ways for parents to take care of themselves and to find support when they need it.

Register your interest- call 02 46832776 or email


Tuning in to Teens

A 6 x session parenting program for parents of teens aged 10-16

Tuning in to Teens focuses on Emotionally Intelligent Parenting

Tuning in to Teens shows you how to help your adolescent develop emotional intelligence. Research has shown that adolescents with higher emotional intelligence:

  • have greater success with making and keeping friends
  • have better concentration at school
  • are better able to cope when upset or angry
  • have fewer mental health and substance abuse difficulties
  • have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults

Emotional intelligence maybe a better predictor of academic and career success than IQ!

You will learn how to:

  • communicate with your teen more effectively?
  • be better at understanding your teen?
  • help your teen manage those difficult emotions?
  • help to prevent behaviour problems in your teen?
  • teach your teen how to make friends and deal with conflict?

Register your interest- call 02 46832776 or email


Circle of Security

6 x sessions – 2hrs each

The Circle of Security program is an internationally recognised parenting course based on decades of parent-child attachment research.

It is suitable for parents of children of all ages, but particularly focuses on infants and young children.

The sessions are practical skills-based activities exploring children’s emotional needs and build parent’s ability to respond sensitively to those needs.

You will learn:

  • Understand your child’s emotional needs
  • Deal with challenges in responding to your child’s needs
  • Build a loving and secure relationship with your child


Register your interest- call 02 46832776 or email


Anxiety Coach

3 x Sessions

For parents with children 2 to 12 year olds

Designed & developed by psychologist, author and teacher Michael Hawton, it equips you with a practical and easy set of tools, and a solid understanding of the theory behind these to enable you to build resilience thinking skills in your child.

This group will look at the parent–led approach supporting parents to take on the role of the coach in their child’s life, guiding them through emotionally distressing times. Participants will gain a greater understanding of the increasing levels of anxiety in children and provide some strategies for its management.

Based on 3 fundamental perspectives for parents to :

  • Understand how anxiety develops & how to offset its progress
  • Take a preventative role in the development of anxiety issues
  • Take practical steps to build resilience


Register your interest- call 02 46832776 or email